Best Way To Make A Difference
In The Lives Of Others

Helping The Poor In Ghana To Have A Better Life And Brighter Future

Quick Fundraising

All your financial contributions will go directly to feed, clothe and give a safe shelter for these families in Ghana.

Become a Volunteer

As a volunteer, you will have hundreds of places to go, where you can make the most difference and truly change lives.

Make Donation

All your financial contributions will go directly to feed, clothe and give a safe shelter for these families in Ghana.

About Us

We Are In A Mission To Help The Poor In Ghana To Have A Better Life


Successfull Campaigns

Our Causes

Give Us Now

It’s time to make a change and contribute to a brighter future for all the poor communities in Ghana. It starts with Food, Sheltering, Education, and Culture. As Maslow’s pyramid states you first have to not worry about food and shelter before you can focus all your power on creation and education.


Elderly Care Construction Akwatia

The aim of Global Assistance is to provide the Elderly Care Centre within the Community, which will highly cater to the  “Aged Group” whose conducive environment needs to be looked at. Especially their food, Shelter, and Clothes. We will be renovating 9 rooms and constructing 2 store buildings in front of renovated ones which brings the total capacity to 16 rooms. Medicals and psychological are being provided. Our topmost priority is to concentrate on the Provision of these Aged People,- Food, Shelter, and Clothes, and to make the Center as their ” SECOND HOME, within the Community.

$25,270 Raised

$150,000 Goal


Building Elderly Care Homes In Accra Region

The aim of Global Assistance is to provide the Elderly Care Centre within the Community, which will highly cater to the  “Aged Group” whose conducive environment needs to be looked at. Especially their food, Shelter, and Clothes. Medicals and psychological are being provided. Our topmost priority is to concentrate on the Provision of these Aged People,- Food, Shelter, and Clothes, and to make the Center as their ” SECOND HOME, within the Community.

$25,270 Raised

$300,000 Goal

People That Needs Care

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$25,270 Raised

$150,000 Goal

Disaster Relief To Africa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna

$25,270 Raised

$30,000 Goal

Bring Water To The Children

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$25,270 Raised

$30,000 Goal

Our Funfact

You Have The Power Today To Change Tomorrow

Every contribution can make the day of a child or family. Don’t hesitate to contribute. Contribution options are donations or volunteering.

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Children Saved

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Campaigns Running

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"Give A Hand To Make
The Better World"

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Your Donation Can Change Someone’s Life

Opening Hours

Sunday - Saturday


List Of Events

Upcoming Events

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New School For Childrens


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People That Needs Care


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People That Needs Medicine


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Disaster Relief To Africa


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People That Needs Food


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Become A Proud Volunteer Now

As a volunteer, you will have hundreds of places to go, where you can make the most difference and truly change lives.

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